Note: Event Cancelled Race, Vulnerability, and the Crisis/Future of Democracy: Professor of Political Science Cathy Cohen / Annual Meeting
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date.
Please join us for lunch at the Union League Club on May 23, 2023, to hear University of Chicago Professor of Political Science Cathy J. Cohen explore the many factors, including and especially race, racism, and anti-Blackness, that threaten the future of our democracy. Professor Cohen focuses her attention on young adults and how they increasingly believe democratic institutions such as the police and the courts to be illegitimate and largely tangential to their lived experience. She shall conclude the talk by exploring what might be done to make our democracy meaningful in the lives of young adults, especially Black young adults.
Professor Cohen is the David and Mary Winton Green Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. She formerly served in numerous administrative positions, including chair of the Department of Political Science, director of the Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture and deputy provost for Graduate Education at the University of Chicago. Cohen is the author of two books, The Boundaries of Blackness: AIDS and the Breakdown of Black Politics (University of Chicago Press) and Democracy Remixed: Black Youth and the Future of American Politics (Oxford University Press). She is also co-editor of the anthology Women Transforming Politics: An Alternative Reader (NYU Press) with Kathleen Jones and Joan Tronto. Her articles have been published in numerous journals and edited volumes including the American Political Science Review, NOMOS, GLQ, Social Text, and the DuBois Review. Cohen created and oversees two major research and public-facing projects: the GenForward Survey and the Black Youth Project. She is the recipient of numerous awards, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and co-editor with Frederick Harris of a book series at Oxford University Press entitled “Transgressing Boundaries: Studies in Black Politics and Black Communities.”
May 23, 2023
Union League Club
65 W. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604
11:30 a.m. Registration
12:00 p.m. Lunch and Program
1:30 p.m. Adjournment
Tickets are $60 for members and $65 for guests
Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel your reservation, call (630) 853-4868 or email attorneys@lawyersclubchicago.org 72 hours in advance of the event to avoid receiving an invoice or to receive a refund if you have prepaid.
If you are buying a guest ticket, please enter the name of a member or the word “GUEST” in the “Member” field in the registration form.
The Lawyers Club of Chicago will have its annual meeting to elect officers and directors for 2023-24 immediately following the program with Professor Cohen.
OFFICERS: The Board recommends and nominates the following individuals for Club officer positions for the 2023-2024 program year:
President: Judge Nichole Patton
Secretary-Treasurer: Deidre Baumann
DIRECTORS: Directors are elected to two-year terms. The Board currently has eight members. The Board recommends and nominates the following directors for re-election to another two-year term: Maureen Mullen, Rowe Snider, Judge Nichole Patton, and Emil Khatchatourian. The Board seats held by Deidre Baumann, Linton Childs, Steven Holtkamp, Judge Sanjay Tailor are not up for election this year, and those directors will continue.
- Note: Event Cancelled Race, Vulnerability, and the Crisis/Future of Democracy: Professor of Political Science Cathy Cohen / Annual Meeting&dates=20230523T163000Z/20230523T183000Z&details=Note: Event Cancelled Race, Vulnerability, and the Crisis/Future of Democracy: Professor of Political Science Cathy Cohen / Annual Meeting&location=65 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604" target="_blank">+ Add to Google Calendar
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Hourly Schedule
- 11:30 am -
- Registration
- 12:00 pm -
- Lunch and Program
- 1:30 pm -
- Adjournment
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